Thursday, June 19, 2008

Stakin' Tomatoes

Here are the last of the pics, these were taken this afternoon. I usually only have time to pitch in after work. I'm finishing up marigolds and onions around the tomatoes.

Tomato plants are in the ground

I know it's been a while, but I'm finally updating. We've made so much progress in the last couple weeks, I don't even know where to begin. We did however hit a few snags. Fencing finally went up, irrigation was installed. We had an issue with the pressure tank, the psi was too low on the first one we bought. A Lowe's employee by the name of Ann was very helpful though, so we got things sorted out. The pressure tank was the most trouble, that slowed us down for a few days. We started with 25 psi then bumped it up to 52, that's worked much better. A timer is also set to water in the morning and evening. Tomato plants are now in the ground, along with some marigolds and onions.

more pics below!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The beginning

Woke up this morning and took some pictures of the fence posts that had been put up. Also started putting up the actual fencing today. We'll be planting tomatoes Friday or Saturday, along with marigolds and onions in between. Mulching and horticulture oils will be used to keep weeds and pests at bay.

Our Dream Garden from Idea to Reality

Planting tomatoes sure is hard work but it is worth the time and energy we've put into the garden!. We are excited about the progress of this seems that every day we're closer to our dream garden. It started with a simple idea: our first garden grew over the years and we enjoyed sharing the fruits and vegetables with friends and family. We needed a new source of income and after studying our choices, we decided to grow tomatoes naturally and sell them close to home at farmers markets. We have the land, enough resources and the desire to succeed. We read everything we could get our hands on: books, magazines, almanac, online, etc. We asked the people who sell the plants and listened to farmers. We also received valuable advice from Chenango County Cooperative Extension educators. This experience turn out to be a learning process. We hope to accomplish our goal and being able to share the fruits of our labor with others.

A brief introduction

In my opinion, moving to Upstate NY was probably one of the best decisions we ever made. We sold our house in Brooklyn, and us city folk moved to the country. We soon found, however, that country living is tough. It calls for greater investment of time and money than we had calculated. We started with hopes and dreams for our family and newly acquired land; but we have not lost all hope. This year, we're cultivating tomatoes and selling them at local farmer's markets. I will try to update often and will make sure to include photos/video. Please make sure to subscribe to the blog and give us any feedback you may have. Thanks.