Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tomato plants are in the ground

I know it's been a while, but I'm finally updating. We've made so much progress in the last couple weeks, I don't even know where to begin. We did however hit a few snags. Fencing finally went up, irrigation was installed. We had an issue with the pressure tank, the psi was too low on the first one we bought. A Lowe's employee by the name of Ann was very helpful though, so we got things sorted out. The pressure tank was the most trouble, that slowed us down for a few days. We started with 25 psi then bumped it up to 52, that's worked much better. A timer is also set to water in the morning and evening. Tomato plants are now in the ground, along with some marigolds and onions.

more pics below!

1 comment:

Liss said...

Ya vi las de cuando sembramos!!!

Que que buen proceso se!!!

ATT: Lissy