Monday, July 28, 2008

...that makes me hopeful.

Some plants are a little over a foot tall now. They need regular pruning because the branches get long and full of leaves but won't produce large fruit. Some of the cherry tomato plants have ripe fruit. We are less likely to sell these, however, because they are harder to sell by the pound.
The plants also need to be tied and staked because they grow so large and their fruit weighs them down. Some of the wire we used has snapped because of the weight of the plants so we will have to re-tie them with string.
So far we have had no problems with pests or bugs, which means the marigolds and the scallions worked well.
I'm very excited and anticipate when we can actually pick ripe tomatoes. Then it will be another job to sell our products. But the plants are looking green and healthy and that makes me hopeful.

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